
Super Bowl XLI - The Album

I promise that I'm looking at the Super Bowl from more than just a musical context. There are a number of important issues on the table that I have yet to rule on like: what to eat (ribs or wings), where to get said foodstuff (too many contenders to name), what to drink (Old Style isn't available up here, but I need something vaguely Chicagoan) and the exact wardrobe for Super Sunday (the Payton away jersey has gotten us this far, but do I need the Bears Zubaz overnighted from home too)?

As you can see, I'm dealing with a lot of heavy stuff here.

And on top of all that, I decided today that I needed to make a Super Bowl XLI mixtape. This all started two years ago when I was preparing to attend my first Kentucky Derby with friends and I commemorated the occasion by creating a CD to get us from Nashville to Louisville on race day. Spurred by its success, last year saw the release of volume two and preparation has already begun for volume three (in loving memory of Barbaro).

I'm not saying that I'm the T Bone Burnett of sporting event soundtracks but I'm working on it. Of course, there are a few guidelines to follow:

--You only get one "so cheesy it's cool" song. It would be easy enough to start with "The Super Bowl Shuffle" and then add all the usual songs associated with Miami (Will Smith, Gloria Estefan, Vanilla Ice). You'd be halfway done but nobody would want to listen your CD. One can give a little comic relief.

--Don't underestimate feel and emotion. It's surprisingly hard to collect 80 minutes worth of music around theme without any explanation. There will be songs that don't seem connected to the event in any immediate sense, but can still significantly add to the album's overall tone. Which is to say...

--No connection is too tenuous. There will be songs about football. There will be songs about Miami and Chicago but not Indianapolis. (1. They don't exist, and 2. This is MY tape.) There will be songs from artists from Miami and Chicago but not Indiana (sorry Cougs, see #2 above). There will be songs from artists who are on a Chicago label, but that's just to justify Bobby Bare Jr.'s inclusion.

--All other standard rules for mixtape compilation apply as set out in High Fidelity.

Super Bowl XLI - The Album
1. "The Air Tonight" - Phil Collins Over on Ty Hildenbrandt's blog, he and I were discussing the merits of this song as a football highlight track and after I saw it used at the Nebraska football camp in 8th grade I've never been to able hear it any other way. The odds that you'll hear this song at some point during the broadcast are pretty good.
2. "Banned in the USA" - 2 Live Crew It's not quite the National Anthem, but I wanted to give a nod to the guys who put Miami rap music on the map. It's tough to find a song clean enough in their category that won't get us a parental advisory sticker, but this one is safe. (Which reminds me, since I've finally reached an age that should prevent any repercussions, I have a confession to make: In 6th grade one of my best friends snuck a copy of Nasty as they Wanna Be onto the bus for our field trip and we listened to it for three hours straight. As far as I can tell, we all turned out fine.)
1st Quarter
3. Little Ole Wine Drinker Me - Dean Martin Probably one of my favorites out of Deano. Here's why: in the song Dean is in a bar in Chicago praying it will rain in California so the grapes will receive ample moisture, ensuring a good crop that will result in more wine. That's hardcore.
4. Da Superfan Shuffle - Da Superfans You didn't think I'd actually use "The Super Bowl Shuffle" did you? This might be better as it combines the Superfans and the shuffle into one.
5. "99 Problems" - Jay-Z + Danger Mouse This one's for Tank.
2nd Quarter
6. "Don't Take Your Guns To Town" - Johnny Cash I try, and am usually able, to tie in a Cash song to every mix I make and this is another one for Mr. Johnson. In fact, the Tank Johnson mixtape practically compiles itself.
7. "My Kind of Town" - Frank Sinatra You can't overestimate "people who smile at you," especially when Tank Johnson lives in your city. (Last one, I swear.)
8. "Where is My Mind" - Bobby Bare Jr. I have a feeling Rex is going to start slowly like he did in the NFC Championship game, so don't be surprised Bears fans if your asking this very question as we go into the half.
9. "I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man" - Prince Gotta do it. Bomani Jones convinced me today that Prince might actually be old after all.
10. "When U Were Mine" - Crooked Fingers It's tough to top the man himself, but this banjo-driven dirge is a fine cover for the lull before the second half.
3rd Quarter
11. "Cocktails" - Robbie Fulks Now that we're halfway through the game, it seems like the perfect time for a cautionary tale about over consumption--thanks, Dean--from one of Chicago's alt-country giants.
12. "I'm Afraid of Americans" - David Bowie I can only assume that the millions of overseas viewers watching perhaps their only American sporting event of the year must feel quite similar to Mr. Stardust in this song. Watching 300-pound genetic freaks smash into each other for four hours will do that.
13. "It Was Supposed to be So Easy" - The Streets I'm hoping that this is what Dwight Freeny is thinking as the 3rd comes to a close. Also, the song is an apt description of what your pregame activities should NOT entail on Sunday. Get all of this stuff out of the way on Saturday.
4th Quarter
14. "Under Pressure" - Queen & David Bowie Who is feeling it more? Peyton or Rex? I'm not getting any closer than this to "Ice Ice Baby," A1A shout out or not.
15. "Decoration Day" - Drive-by Truckers My absolute favorite song about burial. I only hope that midway through the 4th it's appropriate in the right context.
16. "Sonho Dourado" - Daniel Lanois If you haven't heard the Friday Night Lights soundtrack yet, I urge you to do so. This is the song that plays when mighty Permian goes down and it's exactly the song I want to hear when Peyton unsnaps his chinstrap for the final time this season.
17. "One Big Holiday" - My Morning Jacket The song I want to hear while the Bears celebrate, and finally...
18. "Sweet Home Chicago" - Robert Johnson The song you will hear should the Bears be celebrating. Logic says the Blues Bros. here, but this dude made a deal with the devil. Can't beat that.
So there you have it. A loosely based, Chicago-centric Super Bowl XLI soundscape. I've got five copies left and should there actually be five people out there interested in obtaining one feel free to email me and I'll send you a hand-numbered copy via good ol' fashioned US Mail. (First come, first served. No international orders.)
And if things go well, there will be more to come in the future. The NBA's debut in Las Vegas next month will almost certainly be commemorated in addition to the aforementioned Derby disc, so if you have any ideas for songs about horses or bourbon please pass them along. The well is running dry.

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