
The Morning Walk-thru - I expect you to stay

Throw 'em the dark one...So it turns out the gyroball is actually just a spiral. Despite all the talk about hips and shoulders and double-spin mechanincs, all you're really doing is throwing a baseball like you'd throw a football. Feels a little anti-climatic but it's good news for Red Sox fans. It means that, after all the hullabaloo, this might be a pitch you'll actually see this season:

Further proof that February must simply be survived...we're still a week away from Black Snake Moan. I'm pretty excited for this film. It's got the South, the Blues and the Samuel L. Jackson in a role that allows him to do Samuel L. Jackson things (scream and look crazy).

But don't take my word for it, check out the critical mass:

"...Pulp Fiction with a Southern accent and a heart of gold..." --Andrew O'Hehir, Salon.com

"If blues is an exorcism (as Muddy Waters once said), Black Snake Moan is pretty much The Exorcist." --Kevin N. Laforest, Montreal Film Journal

So The Exorcist meets Pulp Fiction with a bunch of words like chicken-fried, Southern gothic, gravy and pulpy to flesh out the reviews? I'm in.

A final dish to DJ...RIP

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