
The Most Valuable Website of the Tournament

Is it just a coincidence that it was this week that I heard my first ad for MyExcusedAbsence.com? Probably, but what timing.

For the low, low price of $24.95 you can get five templates for things like jury duty and doctor's appointments. Will your boss become suspicious that it's signed by "Dr. Sicknote?" Absolutely not. Trust me and try it.

Of course, just like The BeerBelly and tournament pools themselves, MyExcusedAbsence.com is "for entertainment purposes only."

See what you do is, give your boss a funeral note (do they really have those?) for Thursday and your jury duty notice for Friday and he'll be totally convinced that you're having the worst week ever. Meanwhile, you spend all weekend eating DiGiorno's and watching hoops.

When you come back on Monday, bloated and puffy, there will probably be flowers on your desk. At that point, you prance into your boss' office, slap him on the back and tell him the truth.

That's entertainment.

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