
I'm from Nebraska. I believe this says it all...

Ever since seeing Rocky Balboa over the holidays, I've been extraordinarily interested in professional boxing. I've purchased Castillo-Corrales on iTunes (watch the immortal 10th Round here), made a point of tuning in to some random little fight from a gym in Philly on Versus, and watched a special on Tyson-Lewis via Comcast On Demand.

These little pockets of extreme interest aren't unusual for me, I generally have a new one every few months. Some stick, others don't and it's too early to tell if boxing will actually become an interest and not an infatuation. But right now the idea that a sport still exists where the ultimate goal is to punch your opponent hard enough and often enough that his brain rattles around a bit and the body essentially shuts itself down (i.e. a knockout) is entirely fascinating.

But it's not just the air of nostalgia that wafts around boxing that has me interested, it's also the characters. An entourage is always interesting (See: The Source Awards, Allen Iverson), but these guys have handlers, an entourage with specficially assigned roles. Give them the spotlight and the music of their choice for the pre-fight walk to the ring and forget the Derby, that's the most exciting two minutes in sports.

But what does this have to do with being from Nebraska? Well, should I ever have the opportunity to make such a walk, I just found my entrance music.

Thanks to my mole back in Hastings--home of Kool-Aid, Tom Osborne and me during college--the video below turned up in my inbox. It's from Ginger ten Bensel, part-time country singer and full-time news anchor for the local NBC affiliate.

Why this song? Just watch and listen, it really does say it all. Excuse me while I grab my hooded satin robe...

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