
The Morning Walk-Thru - 24 the Hard Way

Z-DAY?...Last night, Carlos Zambrano was reportedly 85-90% sure that Carlos Zambrano wouldn't go to arbitration today with the Cubs, but Gordon Wittenmeyer of the Sun-Times isn't sold. This is a sour turn as I expected to get to lunch today and find that the Cubs had at least appeased Big Z with a 1-year deal.

Now, that may not be the case. Aside from the all the logical reasons the Cubs should just give Zambrano his deal (he's your only reliable pitcher, he actually shows that he cares about winning, he's better than anyone else who'll be available one year from now) perhaps the most important reason is this: Zambrano is as volatile as 30-year-old TNT. To go to court and try to convince an independent party that he's not worth at least the agreed upon mid-point could be particularly damaging for the young flamethrower. Shouldn't the Cubs just continue to let the hand of God destroy their pitching staff rather than doing it themselves?

Z is a little crazy and that's why I love him, but if the two explosive references above weren't enough I'll give you one more: expressing doubt in Carlos' abilities truly is playing with fire.

KU-KSU Still Not a Rivalry...Back in October at Midnight Madness, Bob Huggins claimed that KU-KSU would be a rivalry once the Wildcats ended the Jayhawks 23-game winning streak...in Manhattan. It didn't happen last night. The Jayhawks haven't lost in the Little Apple since before Lucas unleashed Return of the Jedi on the world. Even Nebraska, who has never won an NCAA tournament game and who has lost their two games to the Jayhawks this year by a collective 73-points, has dusted Rock Chalk off at home a couple of times in that period.

K-State was in the game for the most part, but they faded down the stretch in embarrassing fashion. This may have been due to the fact that Huggins looked like he had just gotten of his overnight shift as a croupier at Harrah's in Topeaka, wearing a long-sleeved purple polo under a black vest. Turns out, he's fond of the look.

I knew Vegas wouldn't let me down...Sunday night, I questioned whether or not the Vegas All-Star game had been a bust in terms of debauchery, but the stories are starting to come out and it looks like Pac Man Jones, a place called Minxx (excessive x usage always spells "tawdry"), and Michael Jordan may be involved.

That whole "what happens in Vegas" thing is great for the average Joe looking to lose a weekend in sin, but if you've got any juice whatsoever it should probably read: "What happens in Vegas will be blogged about within the next two days."

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