
Peter's Memoir Looks Heroiny

Was poking around online today and noticed that we now have a cover shot for Jason Peter's upcoming memoir detailing his ultimately fruitless chase of the dragon.

Look interesting or just menacing?

Here's what PW had to say:

"Peter, a star at the University of Nebraska’s storied football program in the late 1990s and a first-round NFL draft pick, details his short, frenzied life as a drug user and veteran of the treatment center circuit. It started with painkillers in college, which turned into a full-blown addiction as he battled an array of injuries that ended his career by his late 20s. With plenty of money and time available, Peter’s partying escapades eventually led him to freebasing cocaine and turning his upscale New York City apartment into arguably the world’s most expensive heroin retreat, complete with a live-in junkie stripper girlfriend. Avoiding self-help urgings and self-congratulations, Peter (who is now clean) and O’Neill have crafted an unflinching look at the dark side of a life devoted to pleasure. Peter’s recollection of his college glory days is a little overbearing, but the book’s power lies in his honesty in detailing the depths of his despair from seeking the next high."

A live-in stripper? I can believe that. World's most expensive heroin retreat? Even with the "arguably" qualifier, I'm almost certain that the world's most expensive heroin retreat was always, and remains to this day, Nikki Sixx's shaving kit, but either way I'm intrigued.

The book is out July 8, but I'm going to see if I can corral an advance copy to get us through these long off-season months.

And in case you're interested, Peter's co-author on this book, Tony O'Neill, is a recovered crack and heroin addict as well. His website includes the following blurb for the book from author Jerry Stahl:

"HERO OF THE UNDERGROUND gives us a portrait of red-blooded jock as monster dope fiend. It's a savage, unsparing, eye popping ride through the dark soul of big money, endless drugs, American manhood, and our national past time--self destruction. Ex-Cornhusker Jason Peter writes like a soulful badass, and we're lucky he lived to tell the tale. Had Hunter Thompson been a football player, instead of a fan, this is the book he'd have written. Flat out, mash-your-face-in-the-dirt-amazing."

You can pre-order the book right here and purchase the domain name soulfulbadass.com right here.

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